.: code Cp Editor

This code is used for the preparation of input data file to the inverse problem

Full calculation algorithm works as follows::

  1. From direct calculation we get the original data file template to the inverse problem. This file contains detailed information about the pressure distribution in grid planes on the wing surface.
  2. Using the program Cp Editor user modifies the original pressure distribution to create new target distribution. The resulting file contains the original pressure distribution and the target.
  3. This file is used by the inverse problem for creating new wing geometry corresponding to the target pressure distribution

.: panel Cp Editor

In the File menu, select input file. Once input file is loaded, controls on the panel Cp Editor are activated. In the graphics window of the panel Cp Editor Cp distribution appears. Cp Editor panel contains all controls needed to modify the original Cp distribution. U1 (L1 for lower surface) and U2 (L2 for lower surface) parameters define modification interval. Beyond these values geometry is preserved. Cp values within this interval can be changed in each node by hand or in the entire internval using spline interpolation by moving nodal points of the spline with your mouse. The number of spline nodes is specified by Nspl.